Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Make a Difference in Your Neighborhood with This Urban DIY Glowing Bollard Crosswalk

Walking the streets at night can be uncomfortably dangerous. In 2010, there were 32,885 motor vehicle deaths in the United States. Of those, roughly 13%, or 4,280, were pedestrians. Two-thirds of those pedestrian deaths occurred at nighttime.
Along with darkness, drivers also have to deal with rain and other harsh weather conditions. Combined, all of these factors can be very dangerous for anyone taking a walk at night. As it happens, pedestrian deaths are on the rise since 2009.
The reason?
More Americans are walking. According to the Center for Disease Control, almost two-thirds of Americans are taking regular walks—delineated as at least one 10-minute walk per week. Whether it's to exercise, walk their dogs, or simply clear their minds, the fact remains that more people are now walking. And that's a very good thing.
But more walking also means more pedestrian deaths. So how can you make a difference in order to help this number to decline?

The Glowing Crosswalk...

Instructables user Thomas Deckert has designed an urban traffic cone prototype that provides an illuminated path across dark intersections, built to highly improve drivers' visibility of anyone walking across the street.
This prototype consists of four light poles, each placed in pairs, adjacent to each other. Each yellow light bollard contains three very high-powered LED lights and a button to activate these lights.
When the push-to-walk button is pressed on any of the four poles, all of the lights are activated concurrently. The Arduino-powered device then acts like an actual street light and cycles through phases of solid light (safe to walk) and flashing light (not safe to walk).
Bollard-based illumination systems have actually been researched before, and prototypes installed in New Jersey were shown to increase pedestrian safety.
If you're thinking about making your own prototype, you'll want to start saving now. The costs total about $1,000 and the project requires a multitude of tools and supplies. But overall, $1,000 is pretty cheap compared to $20,000 to $50,000 per location for in-pavement flashers.
If you want to try your hand at it, check out the full step-by-step guide.
While the benefits of this project are exponential, the lines become muddled when it comes to legality.
Since the installments are temporary, there is not much of a reason for trouble. If law officers see a problem with it, they'll (hopefully) kindly ask you to take it away, probably only because installments related to pedestrian safety will need to be implemented by the department of transportation.
If you're hoping to create a more permanent installment in a part of your city that has a high rate of pedestrian accidents, you will have to think about getting permits and legal approval from city hall and other officials.
Talk to your city council. Schedule meetings. Get a petition signed. It's worth all of the trouble in the world if you can save a few lives in your neighborhood.

INFOGRAPHIC: Where will Regina find $675 million?

Since plans for a new stadium for the Saskatchewan Roughriders were announced on Saturday, lots of numbers have been bandied about, including this one: $675 million.
That's the amount the city expects to spend on the $278-million stadium — building it, maintaining it and paying off loans — over the next 30 years.
So where will that money come from? According to a city administration report that goes to council on Monday, the cash will come from property taxes, a new per-ticket facility fee, a hotel tax, corporate naming rights and stadium rentals.
There will also be savings from not having to maintain century-old Mosaic Stadium, the city says.
Here a breakdown on where the city expects to find 30 years' worth of stadium cash:

Infographic by Andre Mougeot/CBC

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Deal Alert: Plants vs. Zombies Is Now Free in the iOS App Store Until the End of February

Free stuff is awesome. Zombies are awesome. And plants...well, plants are okay, but two out of three isn't bad. So, for this week only, PopCap is offering one of its all-time best sellers, Plants vs. Zombies, for FREE for being the Game Center's App of the Week in the iTunes App Store.
All you need to do is go to the App Store on your iOS device and search for and download Plants vs. Zombies. You can also just click the following links for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad version, and the iPad HD version. But you better hurry, because this deal ends Thursday night!
Apple has been offering a free App of the Week for some time now (last week was Infinity Blade), so make sure you check back in the App Store every week to grab more usually-paid apps for nothing.
Plants vs. Zombies is an addicting strategy, action game, and it usually $2.99, so free is a pretty decent saving. Get it now before the deal ends next Thursday! And if you need some help playing, there are tons of walkthroughsavailable.

#HowTo Turn a Cardboard Box into a Cheap DIY Smartphone Projector

Smartphones and tablets are great for watching movies and videos while you're out, but at home, the screen is just too tiny. There are quite a few projectors on the market that work with mobile devices, but they can get pricey.
The good news is that it's pretty simple to hack your own projector with items that you probably already have. This DIY projector made by the folks at Photojojo is made out of a cardboard shoebox, magnifying glass, a paperclip, and some electrical tape.
Start by tracing the outline of your magnifying glass onto one end of the box. Use an X-Acto knife to cut around the line, then cut a small hole in the other end for the power cord.
Next, use electrical tape to attach the magnifying glass to the box. Make sure you get it to fit tightly so that no light escapes.
Now, take your paperclip and bend it into a little stand for your phone.Here's the tutorial where they got the idea, for reference. You'll have to experiment a little to figure out the best placement for your stand (it will also depend on how high-powered your magnifying glass is).
Your projector is now finished. In order to see the picture correctly since it will appear upside down when it goes through the lens, you'll need to flip your screen.
On an iPhone, you can do this by going to Settings -> General ->Accessibility, then switch Assistive Touch to ON. Tap the little white circle to bring up the menu, then go to Device -> Rotate Screen.
For Android users, there isn't a way to force your screen to rotate without an app. Photojojo suggests using Ultimate Rotation Control, which is free to download from Google Play, but after a 7-day trial you'll have to pay to keep using it. I wasn't able to find any free alternatives, so if anyone knows of one be sure to let us know in the comments below.
For more details on building the projector and setting everything up, check out the full tutorial over on Photojojo. You can also try this other DIY projector created by one of our users here at WonderHowTo.
Need a screen? You can paint one on your wall for less than fifty bucks, or build a more professional-looking screen using a wooden frame and some spandex.

Spiderman Awesomeness !

Monday, February 25, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Trips at the Oscars while accepting her award for best actress

The quietest room in the world will drive you insane

Well said...

Nice Rack !!

Doctor, what do you call this disorder?

Your Move....

Oscars Night Drinking Game


Pope Changes Conclave Rules, Allows Earlier Start

Pope Benedict XVI has issued a "motu proprio," a personal document that has the force of church law, to speed up the timeline for choosing his successor.
The conclave rule change allows cardinals to move up the start date if they all arrive in Rome before the usual 15-day transition. Once the cardinals meet in what's called General Congregations, they will set the date for the conclave, which is now scheduled for March 15.  
Vatican insiders anticipate a new date of March 9 or 10 so that a pope will be in place before Palm Sunday.  
Cardinal Francis George spoke at a ceremony at the Holy Name Cathedral Sunday afternoon, where he called the week ahead an "intense moment."
“It’s an intense moment because it’s taken very seriously,” George said.  “Hopefully the conclave will make a good pope. It worked last time and the time before that so I'm sure it will work this time too.”
Pope Benedict XVI delivered his final words earlier that day where he emphasized that he is not abandoning the church but that he will serve in a way “more suitable” to his age and strength.
George said he plans to take “an active part” in the conversation to elect a new pope and asked that his followers pray for him and the other cardinals as he heads to the Vatican Tuesday.
He said the new pope should be a man of prayer, a man of deep faith, a man with a universal vision and a heart for the poor, but that age may not play a factor in the decision despite the current situation.

"Certainly we want someone who is vigorous and able to govern for a good number of years," he siad. "Most of the cardinals are not really young men, most are in their 60s or 70s."

George also acknowledged the possibility of a first-ever American pope.

“Everything is possible,” he said. “There are some good candidates here.”


Cheese filled bacon wrapped hot dogs

Saturday, February 23, 2013

MINI ME (best host yet) - Cheers2517

Hey guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed my son guest hosting and check out his picks of the full videos in the links below
Stupid cats
Most f****ed up accidents
Harlem shake puppy edition
Check us out on your favorite social media sites and my personal channel too
And don't forget its my birthday tomorrow...happy birthday to me.....hit the subscribe button to give me the best birthday present :)

Cheers and see you guys in a few days

Blowjobs Reduce Depression in Women (and Men)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

World's Worst Cruise Ship Disasters in History

Doña Paz

CIA World Factbook
In the world's worst peacetime ferry disaster, the 24-year-old Philippine passenger ferry was traveling from Leyte island to the capital Manila in the Tablas Strait on Dec. 20, 1987. Late in the night, while most of the passengers were sleeping, the Doña Paz collided with an oil tanker carrying 8,800 barrels of gasoline and other petroleum products. The crash was followed by an explosion and fire that swept quickly through the ferry and the surrounding waters. Survivors had to jump off the ship into shark-infested waters. An estimated 4,340 were killed - an exact toll is impossible to ascertain as many were unregistered on the overcrowded ferry. Only one member of the crew was on the bridge at the time of the collision; officers and the captain were watching TV or drinking beer. The oil tanker was cleared of liability.

MV Le Joola

The 1990-built Senegalese ferry was carrying more than three times its capacity of 580 passengers and crew when it was traveling from southern Senegal to the capital Dakar on Sept. 26, 2002. At about 11 p.m., off the coast of Gambia, the ferry sailed into a rough storm. The ship capsized in the choppy water and winds, and many those who survived the initial disaster likely drowned awaiting official rescue crews, which did not arrive until daybreak. The death toll is estimated at 1,863, with just several dozen survivors, including only one woman out of the hundreds on board. Local fishermen tried to rescue as many as possible, but those trapped inside the ship for hours remained trapped when the Joola finally sank.


The RMS Titanic is legendary for being the worst peacetime maritime disaster in history. The luxury ship was hailed for its opulence and modern developments, but four days into its maiden voyage, from Southampton, England, to New York City, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning hours of April 15, 1912. There were too few lifeboats aboard for all of the passengers, and in the less than three hours from the time of impact to the time of sinking the chaotic escape effort focused on saving women and children first. The death toll in the freezing waters was 1,517 out of 2,201 total passengers and crew aboard the ship; first-class passengers had a greater survival rate, and a greater percentage of Britons than Americans perished. The last survivor of the Titanic, English passenger Millvina Dean, died on May 31, 2009; she was only nine weeks old when on board the ship. The sinking was immortalized in an Oscar-winning film and in other pop-culture lore.

The Empress of Ireland

A Canadian Pacific steamship, the Empress of Ireland went into service in 1906. In early morning fog on May 29, 1914, on a journey from Quebec City to Liverpool and off the town of Rimouski, Quebec, the Empress collided with a Norwegian freighter, which did not sink. Smashed on the starboard side, though, the Empress sank in a mere 14 minutes, killing 1,012 people. There were only 465 survivors; out of the 138 children on board, only four survived. Of the deceased, 167 were members of the Salvation Army who were traveling to a conference.

SS Sultana

The explosion of this steamboat paddlewheeler on the Mississippi River is considered the worst maritime disaster in U.S. history. On April 27, 1865, the ship left New Orleans bound for St. Louis, with stops along the way to pick up passengers and make repairs. Many of the passengers were Union soldiers who had been released from Confederate prisons and were trying to make their way home, resulting in a severely overcrowded ship. Three boilers exploded off Memphis, Tennessee, at about 2 a.m., turning the wooden ship into an inferno. Many died from burns, drowning or hypothermia. The death toll is estimated at up to 1,800.

Set Sails with Steven Colbert

Girls, did you Know...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Top 10 Worst Pick Up Lines

Listen up ladies, and BEWARE this Halloween season! Don’t be fooled by wannabe Gigolos serenading you with my 10 MOST FRIGHTFUL PICK-UP LINES. Because we all know that ghastly pick-up lines can scare the skeleton out of you and are mischievously laced with good ole’ fashion bullshit that’s meant to keep you talking – so those blood-sucking bad-boys can penetrate your sweet coffin and suck you dry!

1.  You live around here? Probably the most classic of frightful pick-up lines from the most amateur of bad-boys with no shot at scoring. He’s just trying to bait you ladies into a conversation by asking you an innocent question. No chance suckas!

2.  Where are you from? Notice how these four simple words could spark a conversation? Don’t fall for it ladies! Or better yet, answer it with: Barsoom (the planet Mars from Edgar Rice Burroughs and the sci-fi classic, John Carter). Or just a sweet smile that says “cute, but not enough”.

3.  What’s your name? Ouch, this one hurts just reading it! If she wanted you to know her name, chucklehead, then she would have introduced herself in the first place! NEXT.

4.  Haven’t I seen you in the movies? What do think she’s an idiot! And what’s that mean, “in the movies”? Like Titanic or Twilight or We Bought a Zoo? So what are you thinking, pal? That this weak attempt at a complimentary statement disguised as a question will touch upon her deep dark desire to be a starlet? Think again my un-original friend, your feeble attempt at flattery will get you nowhere!

5.  You’re really hot! Really? You think this frightful pick-up line will work? Are you kidding me! How many times have you heard this one ladies? From every chucklehead on the street just throwing bullshit against the wall and hoping it’ll stick. Forgettaboutit!

6.  Don’t I know you? Of course she doesn’t know you, you idiot! Don’t you know that women are smarter than men and usually pay more attention when first meeting someone, especially a wannabe Gigolo like yourself trying to pilfer her trick-or-treat bag. If she already met you, then chances are you’ve already crashed and burned while trying to hit on her with another one of my 10 Most Frightful Pick-Up Lines from this list!

7.  Have we met before? Come on guys, another feeble attempt at striking up a conversation by asking an innocent question that requires her to really look at you before answering. Can be a tricky one that sneaks up on you ladies, but don’t be fooled! If you met him before then you already know that he’s probably haunted by ‘50 Shades of Playerdom’. NEXT.

8.  Is that you VANESSA? (or any other name) This is definitely one of those classic Trick-or-Treat lines: if he’s wrong, then who does he think you are, some two-bit hussy who doesn’t leave an impression? And if you met him before and told him your name, then he should at least remember the place where you met and not guess wrong. Especially if you made a connection. And if he guesses correctly, then go for it! He’s either telling the truth and you’re in for a real Treat, or get ready for a wild hayride because he’s a real psychic and a goblin with a bag full of Tricks!

9.  You have beautiful eyes! (or any synonym) Once again, let me ask my favorite question, “So what does that mean?” Because any subjective comment complimenting a woman’s asset, whether it be her eyes or her earlobes is just that: subjective. And usually full of Gigolo bullshit that’s meant to move the conversation forward. Don’t be fooled ladies! If you have beautiful eyes, a wonderful smile, great legs or whatever, you already know it and have been told a million times. BEWARE of all these Mr. Right-Nows with frightful pick-up lines that make you feel like they CARE!

10.Do you believe in love at first sight? Give me a break! What decade do think this is, the Psychedelic 60’s where Peace & Love was all the rage? Come on guys, you can do better than this. It’s embarrassing! Because if you were truly blessed with love at first sight, you wouldn’t have to inquire about it. It’ll just happen, because it’s meant to be and the Universe wants it to be. I know, a lot of Zen master mumbo-jumbo that’s not fit for a player like you. Well think again, you ethereal chucklehead, and put your frightful pick-up lines to bed! Amen.

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